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Unlock Your Design Potential

Helping surface pattern designers sell more than they ever imagined possible!

Top Skillshare courses on Spoonflower, Keyword Mastery, and Creative Empowerment.

Create a spoonflower shop: Beginner friendly guide


Have you ever wanted to sell your pattern designs, but didn't know where to go, or how to get started?

Well, look no further!

Welcome to my course, Create a Spoonflower Shop - Beginner Friendly Guide for Designers!

Spoonflower is a great platform for aspiring pattern designers. And this "Beginner Friendly Guide" will walk you through everything you need to know to get your very own online shop up and running.


Some of the topics this course will cover:
•  How to create an account
•  How to build out your storefront
•  How commissions work, and
•  How you will get paid

Plus, I've included a printable worksheet to help guide you through the process, step by step.

This course was created for hobbyists and designers of all levels, from beginner to expert.

So don't wait any longer. The sooner you get going, the sooner you can start earning an income doing what you love!


For your class project, you will share your new Spoonflower Storefront by posting a screenshot to the Student Gallery.

Creating your own branded Spoonflower shop on is an exciting opportunity to connect directly with customers and share your creativity with the world.

The multi-step process outlined in your worksheet may seem daunting at first, but I promise it's easier than you think. Just take it one step at a time, and you'll be up and running in no time.

Begin by printing out the worksheet so that you can keep track of your progress. As you watch the videos and complete each step, check it off on the worksheet.

Your shop name, banner image, and bio are just a few things you'll need to complete to give buyers a sense of what you're all about as a designer. So take your time thinking about each one, and have fun! I have included links to all the designer storefronts referenced in the course, which you can use as examples.


The skills you learn in this course will be the foundation for your store. Everything that follows will be built on this foundation. So whether you are a seasoned designer or a complete novice, the information you gain will get your store off on the right foot.

If you get stuck or have any questions along the way, please ask under the Discussions tab. I'm always happy to help.

I can't wait to see what amazing things you create!

The Secret to getting found on Spoonflower with keywords

Skillshare Course 2 Cover V2 Picture

Are you a Spoonflower designer trying to get noticed? Do you want to learn how to increase your design's visibility and stand out in the crowded marketplace?

If so, you've come to the right place!

My name is Maria Faith Garcia. I've been knocking about the Spoonflower platform for over ten years now. I have spent a great deal of that time researching, trying to find out how I was going to get my designs noticed. And after a lot of trial and error, I have put together an approach that has paid off for me time and time again. And the proof, I believe, is in the results: I have been a Spoonflower PowerSeller going on six years now.

My course, The Secret to Getting Found on Spoonflower with Keywords, will teach you everything you need to know about keyword strategies so customers can find your designs. You won't just learn what keywords work best; you will also understand why they work best.


Some of the topics this course will cover:

  • How to select the best keywords
  • Keyword search tools and techniques
  • Resources to find great keywords, and
  • Create effective titles, tags, and descriptions

Plus, I've included a printable worksheet that will walk you through the process and where you can keep track of all the great keywords you come across.


For your project you will share either a picture of your printed worksheet filled in with keyword research for one of your designs, or share a screen capture of the actual design's Marketing and Selling section on Spoonflower, showing the title, description, and tags.

This is an excellent opportunity to try out what you've learned in this course and get feedback.


No matter what your experience level as a Spoonflower designer, this course will give you the tools and knowledge that will get you noticed in the crowded (and it grows more and more crowded every day) marketplace so that you can take your shop to the next level.

If you get stuck or have any questions along the way, please ask under the Discussions tab. I'm always happy to help.

So what are you waiting for? Start watching "The Secret to Getting Found on Spoonflower with Keywords," and help those customers find your designs!

Unlocking Your Creative Genius: Debunking Myths and Empowering Your Surface Pattern Design Journey


Do you have a passion for art yet find it challenging to unlock your creative potential and reach new heights in your design career?

Many talented artists face similar obstacles due to doubts, limiting beliefs, and fears. This transformative course will debunk 6 common myths holding artists back, empowering you to embrace your creative self and succeed in the surface pattern design industry.

Welcome to my course, Unlocking Your Creative Genius: Debunking Myths and Empowering your Surface Pattern Design!

For those wondering what happened to Part 2 of "The Secrets to Getting Found on Spoonflower," rest assured, I haven't forgotten. Interestingly, this course began as the first video for Part 2 of that course but quickly evolved into a life of its own. I saw the importance of fostering a positive mindset before tackling the remaining steps outlined in the original course, which led to the decision to schedule this first. Please note that Part 2 of "The Secrets to Getting Found on Spoonflower" is still in the works and will be available soon for those eagerly awaiting its release.

By addressing these myths, you will gain valuable insights and practical guidance to help you unleash your creativity and overcome barriers in your artistic journey.

Here are the 6 myths debunked in the course:

  1. A Large Social Media Following is Crucial for Success
  2. Time Constraints Prevent Creative Success
  3. The Market is Oversaturated and Difficult to Break Into
  4. Without Art School, I Lack the Design Skills Needed
  5. A Late Start Limits Chances for Artistic Success
  6. Compared to Successful Artists, My Art Isn't Good Enough

Join me on this journey towards unlocking your creative genius and breaking free from constraints holding you back. With each myth debunked, you'll gain confidence, knowledge, and motivation to pursue your artistic dreams and create a fulfilling life as a successful pattern designer.